The Strengths of Adults with Dyspraxia
3 Mar 2023

minute read
Dyspraxia is a condition that affects people's ability to plan and coordinate movements. People with dyspraxia often have some amazing strengths that can make them valuable contributors to any team. Whether you have a dyspraxia diagnosis or not, learning more about dyspraxia can help us create a more inclusive and accommodating environment for everyone.
🎨 Creativity
People with dyspraxia may be able to think creatively and come up with unique solutions to problems. Whether it's in the arts, music, or entrepreneurship, their unique, creative touch is invaluable.
🕵🏽♀️ Problem-solving
Individuals with dyspraxia often have strong problem-solving skills. Their adaptability and resilience are evident in how they respond to any struggles they encounter as a result of their dyspraxia.
🤹🏼♂️ Multitasking
People with dyspraxia may have the ability to multitask and manage multiple projects at once.
🗣️ Verbal skills
Many people with dyspraxia have strong verbal skills and may excel in oral communication, making conversation and capturing their audience’s interest.
🤗 Empathy
Often, having experienced difficulties with things like coordination, people with dyspraxia can be particularly empathetic to others around them. This makes them excellent friends, listeners and supporters.
Everyone with dyspraxia is unique and strengths can vary from person to person. It’s important to understand your personal strengths as this can lead to greater confidence, self-awareness, and personal growth. Your strengths can also guide you in your personal and professional life. Understanding others' strengths also helps foster empathy and better relationships!