Why Seek a Neurodivergence Diagnosis as an Adult?

30 Jan 2024




minute read

Last Updated

Feb 3, 2024

There is a myth associated with neurodivergence that a diagnosis is only helpful during childhood. The reality is quite different: receiving a neurodivergence diagnosis in adulthood can be an enlightening and empowering experience.

There are many benefits of receiving a diagnosis as an adult including:

📖 Deepen Self-Understanding

Your neurodivergence journey and diagnosis can unravel layers of understanding at any age. This newfound self-awareness can help you harness your strengths, work on your challenges, set proactive boundaries and enhance self-care.

💼 Unlock Support Opportunities

In many cases, workplaces and educational institutions offer tailored accommodations. A formal diagnosis can help you access resources that are aligned with your specific needs, paving the way for personal and professional success.

💞 Strengthen Relationships

With a diagnosis in hand, those close to you can better understand you and your communication style. It's a starting point for conversations with loved ones about how you experience the world. Such open dialogues can foster deeper connections and mutual understanding.

🖼️ Re-frame Perspectives

An adult diagnosis can provide a fresh lens to view past experiences and shape future ones. It can foster self-compassion for your younger self and offer a reason for feeling different to those around you. Acknowledging your strengths can also guide your future steps and help you create the best environment for you.

📣 Boost Your Advocacy

There's power in knowledge and even more in lived experiences. Armed with diagnosis, your voice on neurodivergence topics can pierce stereotypes, and raise awareness for yourself and others.

🔗 Connect with Community

An adult diagnosis can pave the way to connecting with like-minded individuals, sharing experiences, and developing authentic bonds with other neurodivergent people.

At Noetic, we're committed to empowering every adult with the opportunity to seek a neurodivergence assessment if they wish. Recognising neurodivergence in adulthood is not "late" – it's timely and transformative.