Our Network

We've partnered with neuro-affirming coaches, therapists and assistants to empower you to thrive in your career, relationships and wellbeing.

Kim To (she/her)

ADHD, Autism & Dyslexia Coach

Chat to Kim

Certified ADHD coach (who has ADHD, autism & dyslexia) empowering neurodivergent people to learn and grow.

AJ Singh (they/he)

ADHD & Autism Coach

Chat to AJ

Trans non-binary AuDHD coach working with clients to challenge systemic barriers while navigating their mindbody needs.

Tumi Sotire (he/him)

Dyspraxia Mentor

Contact Tumi

Dyspraxia mentor and intersectionality advocate committed to empowering all neuro-minorities.

ADHD Leadership Coach

Chat to Nick

Leadership Coach & Psychologist specialising in the neuroscience of wellbeing and resilience.

Lauren Dawson (she/her)

ADHD & Autism Coach

Chat to Lauren

Neuro-affirming coaching for Autistic and/or ADHD women and non-binary people.

Annette Du Bois (she/her)

Children & Teens Neurodiversity Coach

Chat to Annette

Comprehensive support for families including neurodivergent children, teens and parents.

Sophie Trotman (she/her)

ADHD Nutritionist

Chat to Sophie

Works with individuals on issues such as low energy, weight management, anxiety, gut, sleep & skin health.

Will Martin (he/him)

AuDHD Nutritionist

Chat to Will

Working with children and parents of children to flourish and thrive with ADHD, autism and dyslexia.

Neurodivergent Personal Trainer

Chat to George

Tourette’s advocate providing specialised fitness and well-being coaching for neurodivergent individuals of all ages.

Virtual Assistants

Contact the Virtual Assisters

Two sisters supporting overwhelmed ADHDers stay organised & stress free by matching them with virtual assistants.

Eleanor Casely (she/her)

Virtual Assistant

Contact Eleanor

Supporting neurodivergent founders turn vision into reality through strategy, ops and product development.

Virtual Assistant

Chat to Saffron

Working with small business owners & neurodivergent founders on creative, admin and marketing support.

If you're a neuro-affirming coach, mentor or therapist, we'd love to partner with you!